
  • Over-handling makes rabbits see you as an unhappy predator. Do not pick them up often!!
  • Sit with bunny on the floor in comfortable zone. Just hang out
  • Rabbits get scared easily, so try to relax, and be calm and quite together
  • Introduce yourself, and allow them to sniff and smell you.
  • Face grooming/petting on forehead is one way to pet them.
  • Keep routine – meal time, cleaning time, nail time, location etc.
  • Limit treats- to very very small amounts. One grape, one raspberry or 1 inch cube of apple or carrot will be enough.
  • Never feed: corn, nuts, cereal, tomatoes, iceberg lettuces, seeds, raisins, bread, beans, potatoes, animal products, yogurt drops, and any processed foods.
  • Limit or do not give: Collar greens, Kale, Mustard Greens, Spinach. 

Bunnies are very affectionate.

Bunnies love being fed.

Netherland dwarf bunnies are the smallest breed of bunnies in the world.

Bruno’s breed is Mini lop.

Bunnies love bananas.

80% of their diet is hay.

Flemish giant is one of the largest bunny breeds in the world.

Holland lop is one of the best choices for new bunny moms/dads.

Bunnies are social animals.

Bunnies stomp their feet to show fear or anger .

International Rabbit Day is the fourth Saturday of September

Most domestic rabbits can easily live to be 8 years old, and many of them live for up to 12 years.

 Safe way to pick up a rabbit is one hand supporting the rib cage and one hand supporting the butt

Most rabbit nails need to be trimmed every 1 to 2 months. 

Loud or sudden noises and movements can startle rabbits.

Rabbits are not easy to make good pets for kids, because rabbits are fragile and easily scared.

To build good relationship and trust, be patient, understanding and consistent

The smallest rabbit breed is the pygmy rabbit (non-domesticated and endangered).


The most smelly part of a rabbit is its urine. Urine is usually no color/transparent, but if you bring your pet rabbits outside, they might pee brown urine. As humans, when rabbits are dehydrated, their urine color gets darker—even dark brown.

When Bruno visited the beach, his urine was dark brown. At home, his urine is usually no color.

Could you kids figure out how much your pet rabbit drinks water?

If you want to read more resources, please check

Bunny Poops

Bunny poops are uniform in size and shape. Healthy poops are green pea-size and shape.

if you want more information about all bunny poops

FACT about Guinea pigs

  • Lifespan is 5-7 years
  • They are gentle and social
  • They are active, 20 hours per day
  • They need large cage.
  • They are unquiet, but scared of loud noises
  • They need a bath when they are dirty or smell
  • You/We can potty train them
  • Poops smell, and they poop up to 100 times a day!
  • Hay as bedding — they can forage and eat it
  • Card board is free toys

Food toxic to Guinea pigs

Avocado, coconut, garlic and onion, potatoes, potato tops, rhubard leaves, tomato leaves


Bunny names

by Ryan, May 2024

@hearsome, Baby bunny, Youtube

by Lily, June 3, 2024

Enjoy!!!! from Lily