South Korea
Let’s write Korean Letters with Korean proverbs
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(week 1) While trying to catch a running rabbit, you lose the rabbit you already caught | 가는 토끼 잡으려다 잡은 토끼 놓친다.
(Week2) Crayfish is on the crab’s side | 가재는 게 편이라
(Week3) A frog can’t think when he/she was tadpole | 개구리 올챙이적 생각을 못한다
(Week4) Acorn in dog food | 개밥에 도토리
(Week 5) A dragon who was born in the river | 개천에서 용난다.
(Week6) The shrimps break their backs when the whales fight | 고래 싸움에 새우 등 터진다.
South Korea is Beautiful
Summer, Chuncheon, South Korea 2024
found bunny items at the underground street, Chuncheon, South Korea
Cafe Be Poff Last day of August 2024, Tijuana
Av. Revolucion 1650, Centro, 22000